Press Center

These pages provide information about Leonardo's case coverage in the mass media, focusing on what has been published or broadcasted in Greece. International mass media coverage information and articles can be found in Leonardo OnLine site.

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July 31, 2000

In a documentary broadcasted by NET TV channel (state-owned cultural channel), ART TOPOS webmaster Dimitris Skoufis has made a rather brief mention of the Transasia vs. Leonardo lawsuit. This documentary, created by Costas Koveos, had as title "Technology at the threshold of the new millennium". Among the participants in this documentary were prof. Helen Arveler, Costas Gavras, as well as many other scientists and artists.


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November 17, 2000

An article by ART TOPOS curator Anna hatziyannakis appeared in "ANTI Political and Cultural Review", on November 17, 2000 (issue 725) under the title "The Leonardo case, name-fights". It provided an extensive presentation of the lawsuit of Transasia against Leonardo.
ANTI has also has sponsored ART TOPOS for its promotion of Leonardo case during ART ATHINA 8 2000.

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