
"IN VIVO - IN VITRO" Bio Art exhibition.

"WB05 - Web Biennial - Biennial on the World Wide Web"
ARTOPOS in collaboration with the Hellenic American Union presented the WB05 - Web Biennial - Biennial on the World Wide Web in Athens.

Action in support of Leonardo magazine - web site (2000).

Organization of production and presentation, of Andreas Voussouras' interactive multimedia work, "KAOStrax" (2002).

Organization, video creation and catalogue publication, for Andreas Voussouras' exhibition "No man's Land / Disposables" (2000).

Live transmissions, via streaming media, of Stelarc's presenatations in Athens kai Thessaloniki (1999).

Presentation of Andreas Voussouras' and Efi Halivopoulou' s exhibition, "Engrams of Oblivion", using hyper-media (1997).

Costis Triandafullou works' simulation using java - the first video clips in Internet (1996).

© ART TOPOS, 1996, 2002
Last Update: 26/06/2022