The assassination of freedom...

Yannis Gaitis:

The exhibition of Yannis Gaitis (1923-1984) covering the creative period less known to the broader public between 1945 and 1967, was one of the important events of the past year.

The exhibition took place at the Municipal Gallery of Athens and, as pointed out by the curator of the gallery, Ms Nelly Kyriazi, it mostly included the "hitherto unshown works of Yannis Gaitis from his very long research course in Art, preceding the final symbolistic standardization that the public has identified him with."

Bia Papadopoulou, who was the curator of this exhibition writes about Yannis Gaitis and this exhibition.

The photographic material in these web pages is from the catalog of the exhibition "Yannis Gaitis 1945-1967" (a publication of the Athens Municipal Gallery).

© ART TOPOS, 1996
Last update: 6 Aug. 1996