Botsford | cv
‘The Journey’, is a 'site specific web site' and interactive
installation interpreting the journey of life.
"I sat and thought about all the different emotions and stages and
paths and situations life offers us. And the only ones I could develop
visually where the ones I knew in my own life.
So maybe this piece is biased. But I did look inside myself, and I did
give all I could at this point at my life, for this situation.
I do believe that at some point, we all feel certain situations, it’s
just that we all feel them in different levels of intensity.
This tree, to me is The Journey. Each branch is a choice, path, situation,
experience, emotion, you choose to take or feel in your life. In life
we are only going forward. And so the branches you choose will only take
you forward.
I see us as souls, which carry our body, our vehicle, through life, plunging
it into feeling and sensing life.
Throughout this, I have found joy in misery and ultimate misery in joy.
Understanding that emotions coexist and survive because of each other
is a way of understanding the present.
Being present in time is rarely a conscious state. But when you do experience
being present in the moment, all falls into place. In it’s own way, in
a way words will never express, it all makes sense. So through visuals,
I have tried to express the feeling of being present, and engaging with
that feeling fully, without judging the situation.
To me, this is my explanation of our Journey. Maybe tomorrow I will have
another explanation. As long as I have the privilege to visualize it,
then I consider myself a lucky person.”
The showing of 'The
Journey' in the context of ’illegal machines’ is an attempt to break the
boundaries between private and public space, an attempt to express most
intimate situations in one of the most public mediums, an attempt to expose
the artist and highlight their unconditional contribution to the online
world and how much more they are giving than they have been taking back
from it.
site (make
sure you put the headphones on if you are experiencing it onsite at Art
Athens 2005)