Nicos Hadjinicolaou
is Professor of Art History, University of Crete.
Born in Salonica, Greece, the 27th of September 1938
Baccalaureat, 1956
Medical student at the Universities of Vienna (Austria) and West Berlin from 1956 to
Student of Art History, German Literature and Philosophy at the Universities of West
Berlin, Freiburg im Breisgau and Munich from 1959-1965
Lecturer of art history for the University of Maryland (Munich Campus) during the
academic year 1964-65
January - June 1979: visiting associate professor at UCLA
June 1980: Docteur es Lettres et Sciences Humaines de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en
Sciences Sociales, after defending in public a these de doctorat d'Etat (ancien regime) on
"La Lutte des classes en France dans la production d' images de 1829/1931"
April - December 1980: visiting associate professor at UCLA
January - June 1981: visiting professor at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
(UNAM), Mexico City
October 1981 - July 1982: visiting professor at the University of Hamburg, West Germany
April - June 1984: UCLA Art Council Professor
October - December 1984: visiting professor at UCLA
Since June 1985: Professor of Art History at the University of Crete, Greece
April 1988: Distinguished Visiting Scholar in art History, at State University of New
York at Binghamton
October 1988 - September 1990: responsible for planning and organizing the exhibitions
and an international conference on El Greco in Iraklion, Crete, to commemorate the 450th
anniversary of the artist' s birth
1989 - 1990: member of the committee for the exhibition of the permanent collection of
the National Gallery of Cyprus in its new building. The inauguration tool place in Nicosia
the 8th of June 1990
October 1990 - October 1994: elected twice Dean of the Faculty of Letters of the
University of Crete
March 1994: member of the National Consultative Committee on Scientific Research and
March - September 1995: responsible for planning and organize the exhibition at the
National Gallery of Athens El Greco in Italy and Italian Art (Sept. - Dec 95) and to the
International Conference on the same subject (Rethymno Crete, 22-24 September 1995)
He has presented papers in 24 international congresses, written 13 books that have been
translated in many languages, and has published 38 articles in Greek, English, German, and
French journals.