Dimitris Scoufis
Born in Athens, 1953.
1976 - 1989: Production and Quality
Assurance engineer in electrical and electronic equipment plants.
1989 - 1992: Industrial Automation
and SCADA Systems design and implementation engineer
1991 - 1993: Free-lancer engineer
and consultant for software products and language consulting services.
1993 - 1997: Consultant and language
specialist for the localization of Microsoft products in the Greek
1998 - today: Senior language
specialist for the localization of Oracle products in the Greek
2001 - today: Post-graduate program
tutor for the acquisition of Master degree in e-Business in the Center
of Applied Industrial Design, Athens. This program is supervised by
the Mass Media and Communication Department of the University of
2002 - today: Post-graduate program
tutor for the acquisition of Master of Science degree in Communication
and Mass Media Studies in the Communication and Mass Media School of
the National University of Athens.
1994 - today: Columnist to the
fortnightly political Greek magazine "Anti"
on the subjects of public networking and INTERNET. He has been
responsible for the web publication of "Anti"
magazine, one of the first to appear on line, in 1995.
1994 - today: Published articles in
and provided interviews to several Greek newspapers, magazines and
electronic media on political and social aspects of Internet and
public networking. Translated several books.
1996 - today: Co-founder of ART
TOPOS, responsible for its on-line publication
2002 : Co-organizer (along with Anna
Hatziyannakis and Nikos Giannopoulos) of e-magic
cybermedia events within the frame of the International Thessaloniki
Film Festival.