Jannis Psychopedis

Jannis Psychopedis

1945 Jannis Psychopedis was born in Athens.
1963-1968 Athens School of Fine Arts in the Engraving Studio.
1970-1976 Munich Academy of Fine Arts (scholarship from the German Academic Exchanges Service (DAAD)).
1977-1986 Invited with a scholarship from the West Berlin artistic programme to live and work in West Berlin.
1980-1981 A major touring exhibition of his works was held in the Kusntverein Kassel, Kunsthalle Darmstadt, and Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Lϋbeck.
1984 The first major retrospective of the series 'The letter which never arrived...' (first period 1977-1984) was organised by the Munich Glyptothek in the Museum of the State Collection of Antiquities.
1985 The second major exhibition of the 'Letter...' series in the Krnerpark Municipal Art Gallery of West Berlin.
1987 The first major retrospective exhibition in Greece in the Rhodes Municipal Gallery.
1988 A retrospective of his work ( 1962-1988) was held in the Pieridis Gallery in Athens.
1987-1992 He settled in Brussels, where he lived and worked. Since 1992, he has lived and worked chiefly in Greece.
1994 He was elected full professor at the Athens School of Fine Arts.

© ART TOPOS, 1996
Last update: 12 Aug. 1998